Flooring attendant materials

means the products like : prymer, glues, lacquers, varnishes, oils with super quality

As important is the floor, attendant products has always to be the best characterized on the floor you have choosen.

To have a possibility for everysubfloor is helpful for all our clients which the requests are every time different.

We offer prymers and glues for parquet, linoleum, pvc, synthetic-turf, outdoor wood, walls.
We offer coatings based on chemical, oil, varnish for every wood.
We offer maintenance products for every finish you buy from us.

All made in Bergamo –  Italy , from “CHIMIVER”.

As a professionals with Chimiver support team we offer seminars for the all the products.

Look up and download Chimiver Catalogues.

On the link below you can find the technical data sheet for each product you are interested in.